June 1, 2013

The D word... dun dun dun!

DATING (part 1)
Yay! We finally got to the dating and mate selection part of the class. haha. It's a lot of fun to listen to all the comments and experiences given in class. Dating is just a fascinating topic.
So apparently dating is nonexistent and very scary from what I have heard. I didn't date much so I wouldn't know haha. Some facts that my professor shared with us are:

  •  "Dances are a good place to learn dating skills" He says that each person we dance with is like a mini date. 
  • "People that know you really well, like family and close friends, are the best indicators to know what kind of person would go well with you" Its true. My professor said that when you are "in love" sometimes you are blind to what is really going on. Perhaps the person you are dating is not a good choice for you, even if you can't see it, your family or friends will. So listen to what they have to say. 
  • "Transparency is the best quality in dating and marriage" You don't have to worry about secrets or not knowing how they "really are" if they are open, honest, and sincere from the beginning.
  • "Dating is practice for marriage" So true. Dating is about learning about ourselves. How do we treat others? Do we have patience? What are our likes and dislike? When we date, we discover new things about ourselves and it makes it easier to know what is it that we want in our future spouse. Dating is also about socializing, adapting, and adjusting. The things that we can improve on or things we need to change. It's a learning experience.
Soooo, what is dating? How do we know we aren't just hanging out?
Dating is the three Ps
 1) Paired off, 2) Planned, 3) Paid for
When we are paired off rather than in a group of friends, it makes it easier to get to know one another. When it is planned, it shows that the guy took the time to think about the date and that he takes initiative.
When it's paid for... well I guess it means that he is able to provide, perhaps also responsible and has a job.
So ladies, make sure the guy you date follows the three Ps haha :)

1 comment:

  1. Okay, that second pic really makes me laugh!
