June 8, 2013

First comes love, then comes Marriage...

Now that you found the one you want to be with for the rest of your life, you are getting to get married. Marriage should be one of the most exciting things in your life. I know it is for me. I am currently engaged and I am so excited to get married. I know its been a long time coming for my mom haha. I am 23 years old, so for my mom, I need some catching up to do! She got engaged at 19, got married at 20 and had me at 21. I absolutely love that my mom is young enough to understand me and get along. Now that I am starting a new chapter in my life, I know that there will be some major changes. Some of these marital changes are:
  • Lifestyle/accommodating schedules
  • Distribution of responsibilities/establishing expectations
  • Joint ownership
  • Mutual decision making/becoming a team
  • Budgeting/self supporting
  • Establishing family boundaries
  • Physical intimacy
 I think that each one of these are important to establish a good marriage. In marriage, there are times that hard times will come and you need to be prepared. These things will help us become selfless and make more sacrifices for one another. We will develop love, respect, trust, commitment and other attributes that will influence a successful marriage.

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