June 29, 2013


Has it ever happen when you ask your sibling to help you do something and they say yes but in an annoyed tone of voice?  I've had experiences when I ask someone how they are doing and they say "fine", but I know they really are not fine because of the way they look. I also had experiences where someone would send me a text and I read it a certain way and they meant it in a completely different way. I'm pretty sure we all had those experiences. Communication is very important. Especially when it comes to understanding one another. The three different methods of communication are
  • Words         14%
  • Tone            35%
  • Nonverbal    51%
As you can see, nonverbal makes up half the communication we do. I think a big problem we have in society is texting. When we text, we are only receiving 14%. That is why we tend to interpret things the wrong way. It is important to get to know each one of our family members so that we come to understand how they see and interpret things. We can then communicate with them in a way that we will be understood and we can understand them. This will help avoid problems that can occur when we do not understand each other. And if we do not have any problems, then we can have a happier family!

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