May 4, 2013

Interesting Stuff

So, as you can probably tell, families in the United States have changed drastically since back in the day. In class, we learned of the different trends on family. I thought I would share these facts with you. People are
  • Marrying later
    • People are now marrying in their late 20s and 30s. The average age is 26 for women and 28 for men. It will probably cause delay in having children, which then they might not have as many.
  • Cohabitation has gone up
    • People are now living together before marriage. 
  • Living alone has gone up 
    • either divorced, single and unmarried. 
  • Employed mothers has gone up
    • Because of the economy, many mothers now have to go to work.
  • Births to unmarried women has gone up
    • 39.5% of kids in the U.S. 
  • Pre-marital sex has gone up 
    • People are now starting at a young age, teens, to have sex before marriage.
  • Household size has gone down 
    • Because people are marrying at an older age, and not having as many kids, or any at all, the household size is a lot small. 
  • Less births
    • People are delaying marriage, and women are older, so they tend not to have as many children.
  • Even though the actions do not reflect this, people still believe that "Family life is important". 
If families are important to people then why is it being delayed? I know that when I saw these trends, I noticed that if one of those is being done, it usually leads to another. I also noticed that these trends are not positive and can lead to difficult or unsatisfactory family life. I thought I would share these facts with everyone so that we can all be more informed :) Now we can all start thinking on how we can fix these trends so that we can have more successful families. 

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